Veterinary Services

We’re pleased to offer the following services at Rogers Pet Clinic:

surgery-suiteWellness Exams: We believe that regular checkups and wellness exams are critical to your pets’ well-being. These wellness exams give us a chance to evaluate the overall health of your pet while also giving us a baseline for their unique bodies and tendencies.

Dentistry: Our dental services include teeth cleaning & polishing, digital dental X-rays, tooth extractions, and minor oral surgery.

Surgical Services: Our state-of-the-art surgical suite provides for the performance of a wide variety of surgical procedures.

Radiology Services: Our on-site, modern Digital X-ray equipment provides high quality radiographs to aid in the quick diagnosis of many disorders.

Spay and Neuter: Spaying and neutering are important and necessary medical procedures that enhance the quality of your pets’ life. Not only does spaying and neutering have positive effects on your pets’ health, it’s also vital to controlling the homeless pet population.

Permanent identification: We offer microchip identification.

Vaccinations: We believe that one of the most important aspects of caring for your pet’s health is vaccinating him or her against possible diseases. There are a variety of diseases which affect our pets, and other animals, so proper vaccination is vital to protecting them.

Dietary Counseling: We can provide guidance regarding your pet’s nutritional needs for each life stage; including dietary requirements for growth, weight maintenance, and performance.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services: Our hospital is equipped to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services to care for your pets complete health care needs.

Individualized Flea Control Programs: We develop programs for the specific needs of your pet and your own particular environmental situation. We will review with you the best ways to control fleas in your house, in your yard, and on your pet.

Parasite Prevention: The idea of your pet being infested with parasites is a disturbing thought, but it’s also a medical issue that can have serious consequences if not properly dealt with or prevented. Parasites pose a variety of health issues for our pets, who can be very susceptible to certain parasites depending on age, region, and other factors.

Anesthesia: We utilize the safest available anesthetics to provide an extra margin of safety, especially for our older or high-risk patients. Using the most modern equipment, the patient’s vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.

Internal medicine consults: We offer referrals to an internal medicine specialist who performs ultrasounds, endoscopic procedures, and helps us with the diagnosis of more complicated cases.

Laboratory: Our first class in-house Idexx laboratory equipment provides for serum chemistry, hematology, serology, urinalysis, and parasite testing. We also utilize commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations.

Pharmacy: We maintain a complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products, and heartworm preventatives to meet the needs of your pet. We also carry a full line of prescription diets.

  • We have recently utilized Vetsource as an online shopping option for your pet medication, prescription food, and preventative needs.

Follow this link to our online store-  Vetsource: Rogers Pet Clinic.
